The New Jersey Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Law refers to brew pubs as a “Restricted Brewery License.” This license allows the manufacture of malt alcoholic beverages so long as they produce less than 3,000 barrels per license term.
Restricted Brewery LicenseThe ABC also requires that this “Restricted Brewery License” only be issued to a person who also owns a Plenary Retail consumption license. Furthermore, this person must utilize the two licenses in conjunction with each other. Meaning that they operate a restaurant regularly and principally use the license for the purpose of providing meals to its customers and having kitchen and dining room facilities. The restricted brewery licenses premises must also be immediately adjoining the retail consumption licenses premises. A brew pub license allows the holder of the license to manufacture beer and to sell it at its retail licenses premises. No person or entity may hold more than (2) Restricted Brewery Licenses.
Further Approval AgenciesLastly, because this license is in essence a manufacturer's license, the applicant will need approvals from the TTB (Alcohol Tax and Trade Bureau of the U.S. Department of Treasury as well as from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. Further approval may be necessary from the specific municipality.
If you are considering buying or selling a liquor license in Monmouth County or Ocean County, call the experienced NJ ABC lawyers of Villani & DeLuca, P.C. today for a consultation. Located in Point Pleasant Beach, the attorneys of Villani & DeLuca, P.C. will answer all of your liquor license question. Call (732) 540-1233 today.
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